Unit 1: Creation Story
You've completed your reading of the Iroquois's myth "The World on the Turtle's Back." Choose one of the two options below.
1. The Iroquois emphasized the importance of living in harmony with the natural world. Write your explanation of how the Iroquois myth expresses this relationship toward all living things.
2. The twins in this myth represent "two ways of the world which are in all people" - the "straight mind" and the "crooked mind." Write your reflection in which you agree or disagree with this view of human character. Support your opinion with examples.
Allison K.
2nd Hr.
I believe that there is no such thing as crooked and straight minds. Everyone has two sides to them. Someone that is mostly evil still has some good in them. Everyone sees each other differently. You may see the evil side of someone, but does everyone else in the world see that part of them too? Opinions also matter. Our President, Barack Obama is viewed by millions of unique opinions. Some people may have been affected negatively by something he has done as President, so they probably view him as a crooked mind. But others see him in a better light, and there opinion is different. No one is all good or all bad, but you may have to dig a little deeper to find the other side of them.
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DeleteAaron Dzaboff
2nd Hour
I think people have their own opinion about everything in life. So I don't think there are crooked and straight minded people but there are different views, like if you take the Penn State scandal, a lot of people would say all those things that the NCAA took away from Penn State is right. While the people who are close to Penn State, who attend Penn State, or the owners of Penn State would probably disagree because that was a heavy load that the NCAA dumped on them. Every story has different views and different opinions it's just a matter of where you are at. Also people judge many things before they get to know something, that's why people don't always know if people are good or bad because they don't want to take the time to get know what it is about. If people wanted to be open to everything and find out what it is about something that is good or bad, the world would be different. I don't think people are overly good or overly bad its just the view and how open you are to things.
There are different types of people in this world. Some people are really different and others are normal. Everyone has their point of views and everyone has to respect that. I don't think that people are crooked and straight minded because you will find people in life that you will like to be around and other people that you can't stand to be around. You can just be like in the morning, I'm going to be mad and be mad all day long. It is events in life that make people mad, sad, happy, and excited. I don't think people are good or bad but it is how you look at people and how they act towards you.
ReplyDeleteJenna B.
2nd hour Am. Lit
I agree with the second question, in that there are two types of people in the world. You have the people that are kind and helpful all the time and then you have the people that are there for there own purpose and don't want, or wish to help anyone.
There is an old saying that everyone has heard at one point in there life, "Life's not fair." THere are many ways how a person can view this. You could be negative about it and be like some people get everything handed to them while I have to work for it. Or you can look at it in a slightly different light and think yeah some people don't have to work as hard for the things they want but me working for what i have makes me that much of a better person.
Felicia S.
2nd hr
I mostly agree with this statement. I know many people who are two sided. Some people can be super nice, but then all of a sudden they will go behind your back, and say rude things about you. One example of a more serious situation of this is sometimes when someone is responsible for a shooting, sometimes family members will say that they had no idea that that person could do something so terrible. The people showed their families a better side of themselves. Many people have a different side to them even though in some cases it is not that they have a crooked mind, they may just act different in different environments. So I would not say that I completely agree with this, because I do not believe everyone has a crooked mind. I do know that there are many people in the world that this statement is true for though.
Emily G.
2nd hour
2. The twins in this myth represent "two ways of the world which are in all people" - the "straight mind" and the "crooked mind." Write your reflection in which you agree or disagree with this view of human character. Support your opinion with examples.
I agree with both. I believe that you can be both straight and crooked mind. You see different parts of people when they hang around other people. If you hang out with your friends you will seem bubbly and nice. Then if you are around other people you don't know or you are not familiar with then you will be shy and quiet. But if you were around people that you dislike, then you will act mad and grumpy. Your actions and personalities come out and show at different times. But i believe you can be both crooked minded and straight minded. You can always find good in someone that continuously is "crooked" minded. No matter how bad you must be there is always something good in there. People judge you and how you act. How do you act in public? People may think of you as a crooked minded person but you just were acting out of control. Most of the time you carry your emotions and how you hold yourself together. Try to act and be the straight minded person. But remember that there are always crooked minded people out there, so they can balance the world!!
2. The twins in this myth represent "two ways of the world which are in all people" - the "straight mind" and the "crooked mind." Write your reflection in which you agree or disagree with this view of human character. Support your opinion with examples.
ReplyDeleteI agree that there are two sides to people. I believe that there is more good in most people then bad. If there was more bad in people then good there would be more murders and people that set things on fire. I think there is some bad in use because thats what makes up make stupid decisions. There is a balance of good and bad in us just like in the story. If we didn't have any bad in us we wouldn't be balanced.
Jessica Thommen - 8th hour
ReplyDelete2. The twins in this myth represent "two ways of the world which are in all people" - the "straight mind" and the "crooked mind." Write your reflection in which you agree or disagree with this view of human character. Support your opinion with examples
Everyone has certain traits given to us by birth. They’re not all “straight” traits. Some are crooked. Jealousy, greed, and hatred are just a few of the many “crooked” traits. I believe that everyone has both traits in them. Nobody is pure evil or pure bad. There’s a little bit of both in someone, no matter how evil we think that they are. This reminds me of the yin-yang symbol. Which shows that no matter how good someone is, there is always evil, and no matter how evil someone is, there is always some good. Everyone has both traits inside of them, it balances them out and makes them human. Some people have more straight than crooked in them and vice-versa. It all depends on which one you put more energy into. In the story, deep inside of the left-handed twin told the truth and deep inside of the right-handed twin told a lie. This shows that the crooked had some straight in him, and that the straight had some crooked in him. There is also another small story that I have read about a Native American who talks about this. This young boy asks his grandfather about good and evil. The grandfather tells the grandson that there are two wolves inside of everyone: good and evil. The boy asks which one wins, and the grandfather tells him “the one you choose to feed.” So, as you can see, there is always a little bit of each in every person. It’s what makes us human.
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ReplyDeleteEmilee Muller
ReplyDelete8th Hour
1. The Iroquois emphasized the importance of living in harmony with the natural world. Write your explanation of how the Iroquois myth expresses this relationship toward all living things.
The Iroquois looked at the earth in a very different way than most modern day people do. The Iroquois cherished the earth and appreciate it. They realized that they needed the nature to live and the nature needed them. In their life the nature and the animals ruled the world. For example when the girl fell through the sky world and the birds tried to save him, when the birds couldn’t help her anymore the turtle came up and left her land on his back. After that she needed a place to grow the dirt and she didn’t have enough soil. The animals tried and tried to go to the bottom of the ocean and got the dirt. Finally they got the earth to grow on the turtle’s back. Showing the importance of nature and the animals. Another point is that the animals balance out the world. One animal controls the other animals population and it just goes in a chain. This helps control the earth also.
jesse melchert
1.The Iroquois believed that the balance of nature needed both good and bad things to sustain balance like the creation of animals involved the balance of meat eaters and plant eaters to prevent over population with the natural world this also made it so there was a constant food supply.
2. The idea that humans have both a good mind and a crooked mind may be true because people do many good things and also many bad things like people commit crimes and make weapons of mass destruction while other people may be good citizens or maybe they are soldiers fighting for their people. The soldiers are an ideal example of showing their good and evil sides because they protect people by killing them.
Tanner Hargrafen
ReplyDelete2nd Hr.
2. The twins in this myth represent "two ways of the world which are in all people" - the "straight mind" and the "crooked mind." Write your reflection in which you agree or disagree with this view of human character. Support your opinion with examples.
I agree with this view as the human character. I believe people can be bad and good. I think there is more good in people then there is bad in people. I also think that the straight minded people can be crooked once and awhile. A lot of people can be two faced and hear one thing and then go tell it to everyone. Alot of people say, "you don't know him like I do." I believe this saying says alot like that person must change completley when he is around you when everyone else can't stand him. So some people are crooked to just certain people and everyones opinion isn't always the same.
Brooke W.
ReplyDelete2nd hour
1. The Iroquois believed that everyone needs good in bad in their life. They also thought that living in harmony with the natural world was important.
2. There are two sides of every person. The good and the bad. The right-handed twin was considered the "good" twin because of the way he acted. The left-handed twin was considered the "bad" twin because of the way he acted.
Nicole Kudrna
ReplyDelete2nd hour
I believe that there is not a person that is crooked minded or straight minded. A person has two sides to themselves. Someone could be a really nice person but they might have a day where they are just having a bad day. Not everyone is perfect. People have their days where nothing seems to go right but deep down they really mean no harm to anyone. Now the twins, one is just evil and the other is the total opposite. I'm not saying that there aren't people out there like that, but it just depends on the person.
Adam Vorwald
ReplyDelete8th Hour
I don't really think this statement is completely true. I think that there is a little bit of both sides in every person. Every person has good and evil inside them. Some people just show one side more than other, and others have their moments of evil or good. I think it depends on how you were raised and the environment you were raised in that helps shape who you are and how you act. In every human there is a part of the left handed twin in them and also a part of the right handed twin as well which balance each other.
Jake Nefzger
ReplyDelete2nd hour
The second one could go either way in terms of being right or wrong. Yes a person can be one of two types in being a crooked or straight minded person. Not everyone is a great person who has everything going in the right direction. The world is pretty well split between the crooked and the straight. The crooked people in the world would be like the drug addicts and criminals and just bad minded people in general who mostly have a bad attitude towards everything. Then you have the straight minded who would be like your successful, honest, hard working people who find ways to improve on every aspect of their lives. The people who take the extra effort to be that much better at everything they do. This relates perfectly to the twins in how the one was evil and the other was the nice, outgoing, and hard working.
Marisa Deutmeyer
I believe that there is no person that has a crooked mid nor a straight mind. Every person has two sides to them. If that person is evil, they may have a good side to them. If that person is good, they may also have a evil side to them. Most people act different around certain people. Some people may not see the good or bad side of someone. It just depends on the people around them. If you get to know a person very well, they may start to show their true colors. I believe that every person is good and bad in their own ways. People may not ever see it, but it's there.
Eric Knipper
ReplyDelete2nd hr
I somewhat agree just because their are some pretty strange people out there who just can’t think straight. I think part of the reason is the way they were raised wrong. Their are some nice people out there though. they try to help people when something catastrophic happens, but these days its getting harder to know which people want to help you and which people are just conning you into thinking they are helping you. So i somewhat agree that their can be some crooked people out there, but their also is nice people too.
Rachel Becker
ReplyDelete8th hr
I think that people have both in them. They may only show one side, but they have both. One day they will be happy and is such a good mood, and the exact opposite the next. Just like in the story when the twins created balance with the good, and evil, the straight, and crooked minded creates balance within the people. When with friends they may only show one side but when around a different group they may and different. Having both doesn’t mean that they have to use both. They may just be crooked minded or just straight, but they still have both in them.
Amy B
ReplyDelete2nd hr.
2.) People all have different personalities. No one person can be perfect or all bad. The same side might show every time you talk to them or see them, but deep down they have good and bad. The person could be a happy person all the time, and then they have a bad day and their mood will change. Some are mad all of the time, but then are given a gift or told a joke and are happy. Terrorists all have family, and they love them even though they are considered bad people. Perfectly nice people can snap and shoot someone or, like in the book, cut the other's head off. There are two sides to every person, no matter who you are or what you think of yourself, you have a split personality.
I agree with the second one. Everyone has two sides to them on this planet. There really isn’t crooked minded and straight minded people. In some cases someones kind in some ways and mean and demeaning in others. You cant exactly judge a person or say how they are when they act different around other people. If they like you they’ll be nice and obviously they’ll be mean if they don’t like you. Everyone has two sides to them. If you start to get to know them better and better they will show who they really are no matter what. Pretty much everyone has a soft lovable side to them and a hard mean side too. Its all on how you know them and how your relation is with them.
ReplyDeleteMarlaina Orcutt
ReplyDelete8th hour
I believe that everyone has two sides. Sometimes the cooked side comes out and other times the straight side does. Just because people have two sides doesn't mean that they are either a good person or a bad person. I think that all people are good but sometimes things drive them to do bad things. We can’t judge people for things that they have done because that doesn’t always make that person who you think they are.
Rachel Knipper
ReplyDelete8th Hour 2nd Question
I believe that all people have both good and bad sides.No one is born either 'good' or 'bad'. People may be more inclinded to act in certain ways but they are most effected by their surroundings. In the story the Left Twin was bad, while the Right Twin was good. If they had not both created the world then things would be out of balance, their would be no predators to keep populations down. In other words the world would have been complete choas without the twins making plants and animals to compete with their competitor's creations.So all in all, people are not good or bad, they have some of both, but both good and bad is needed to create essential balance in the world. Things would not work themselves out otherwise.
Elijah Deutemyer
ReplyDelete8th hour
I agree with the 2nd one. Everyone has two sides to them. Its just a matter of which side the person chooses to show. No one is perfect nor is someone pure evil. I believe that it is how you are raised or who you hang out with. The people you hang out with and their personalities bring out what ever side you are going to show.
Haley Hillers
ReplyDelete2nd hour
So many people have different opinions on “bad and good people.” I believe that everyone has a little bit of both in them. Someone can be nice to you one minute and then mean to you the next. Both sides come out in some way. No one has just a crooked mind or just a straight mind, because all people are balanced. That’s how we are created and no one can change it. Different events that happen can change someone’s mood in a second.
Breanna Recker
Group 2
2nd hr.
I believe that people have good and bad sides to them, they aren’t completely one or another. Some people show more of one side than the other, some people may be more mean than nice and others may be more nice than mean. It also depends on how you look at another person, you may think they are very nice while someone else thinks they are extremely mean. For example, some people think movie stars are mean and other people may think they are God’s gift to earth because they think they are so generous and nice. No one is good or evil, but sometimes you may have to get to know the person more in order to find the other side of them.
Jared Coyle
ReplyDeleteAmerican Lit
8th hour
I agree with the statement that some people have straight minds while other have crooked minds. People with straight minds will do the right thing even when times are bad. People with crooked minds will get angry easily and do the wrong things. Take Jerry Sendusky for an example he knew what he was doing was wrong, but it didn’t stop him. If he had a straight mind he wouldn’t have done the things he did.
ReplyDeleteSydney Barton
I agree that people have a crooked mind and a good mind. No one is perfect and we have all made mistakes. We have made bad decisions and we have messed up. But at the same time people have that good side and can be really nice. Don’t get me wrong not all people are completely crooked or completely straight minded. But some people are more crooked than others. If there were no crooked people in the world we wouldn't have a need for jails or cops. But at the same time if we didn't have good people in the world we wouldn’t have justice and we wouldn't have the stability that we have in our world. It just takes time to see the two sides of some people.
Cody Lahr
ReplyDelete1. The Iroquois emphasize living in harmony with all living things, and this is obvious in the creation story. The animals help the girl who fell from the sky. They help her create the earth, by having the muskrat swim to the bottom of the ocean and grab the dirt, which they use to make dirt to plant the piece of the root from the great tree. They believe that all living things must live in harmony because they all depend on each other to survive. This creates balance, which is shown through the good right handed twin and the bad left handed twin.
2. I agree, because I think that everyone has a good side and a bad side. When we get mad, our bad side might show itself, but usually you see our good side. Some people may just be more "left handed twin" then right handed, but we all have both sides.
Drew W.
ReplyDelete8th Am. Lit.
The Iroquois believe that there are the straight minded and the crooked minded, but I disagree with this belief. I believe that everyone is born straight minded and have only crooked mistakes or periods. The only person born crooked minded is the left handed twin, and when he was defeated by his brother, he was not able to create crooked people but only crowd the judgement of the straight minded people. I believe that children are born pure and innocent, but they may grow up and have poorly judged moments. The Iroquois may have thought of people as only the good and the bad, but really there is only the good, and the good with some mistakes.
Maddie D.
ReplyDelete2nd Am. Lit.
I don't believe that there are crooked minded and straight minded people. I think that how people act depends on the situation that they are put into. The left handed twin was evil but had some good in him and the right handed twin was good but had some evil in him, too. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but just because you may not agree with their opinion, doesn't mean that they are crooked minded. Everyone deserves a chance to be heard, even if you don't think the same way. It's like when my sister and I fight, I have a reason to start the fight, but she might think that it was a stupid reason. Nobody is all good or all bad, they just might see things in a different light than others do.
Ean Troester
ReplyDelete2. The twins in this myth represent "two ways of the world which are in all people" - the "straight mind" and the "crooked mind." Write your reflection in which you agree or disagree with this view of human character. Support your opinion with examples.
I agree that all humans have a crooked and straight part of mind. The person you trust the most could be your worst enemy in a matter of seconds. Just think of someone with mood swings, one minute they are the sweetest person you have ever met, then turn into the cruelest person in your life. Another example is that maybe someone has just had a bad day, perhaps another person hurt them, and they over react to your comment and march off in anger. Then there are people that seem to just show anger and hatred, but then you find out that their brother died. I believe there could be people in the world that are purely "straight minded". My father is the nicest person on the planet. You could ask him for something and he won't say no, he has never had anger in him, and will do anything to help out. So from all of this, I believe that people can have a little good and a little bad in them. You can never judge someone to be just bad, they will always have a little good in them.
Madi Gibbs
ReplyDelete8th hr Am. Lit.
2nd option
I agree that there are two different types of people in this world. The Straight and The crooked Minds.
The straight minded people are those people who give and forget, they are the people that do the good in the world, those who are always there to help someone.
The crooked minded people on the other hand, take everything way to serious if something happens they will never forget it they will hold a grudge forever, they are the people that do all the bad things in the world. An expamel of crooked minded people would be terriost.
I do agree with the Iroquois in this myth. There are people that are Straight minded and then there are people that are Crooked minded.
I agree with the myth there are good and bad people both in the world, but every person has both good, and bad in them. I think we pick to be a good straight minded person or a crooked minded person. Every choice we make reflects what kind of person we are. Everyone makes mistakes and messes up at some time, but a straight minded person is someone who is good and who forgives and may mess up sometimes, but does good in the world. A crooked minded person does bad, they don't forgive and don't forget.
ReplyDeleteAlyssa S
2. The twins in this myth represent "two ways of the world which are in all people" - the "straight mind" and the "crooked mind." Write your reflection in which you agree or disagree with this view of human character. Support your opinion with examples.
ReplyDeleteI believe that everyone shows a crooked and straight state of mind sometime in their life. Some of the worst criminals in the world still have their moments where they’re nice and not so bad. Not to mention the nicest people in the world have days where they get very upset and say hurtful things. Everyone has both sides, its just a matter of how well you are able to hide the bad side. Anybody can take the easy way out and do the wrong the thing the challenge is to do the right thing.
Bailey W
ReplyDelete2nd hr Am. Lit.
I picked the second option because I do believe that people have two sides. When I say people have two sides I mean their is a good and a bad side of person. When people shoe the good side to people they have people who want to be around them and they have good friends. Then their is a bad side to people. People might be snotty, mean, and they do not care about anyone but them selfs. To me people can sometimes choose the people that they want to see their good or their bad side.
2. The twins in this myth represent "two ways of the world which are in all people" - the "straight mind" and the "crooked mind." Write your reflection in which you agree or disagree with this view of human character. Support your opinion with examples.
ReplyDeleteIn this story the two twin do represent different types of mental statuses. Such as a normal person like you or I could have a stray thought to cause some minor damage to a person we don't particularly care for. Like say, one of my old babysitters; but we are typically a good natured type of person. Then you have the truly twisted people who think of nothing but revenge and how to get the upper hand. Like say, the Left handed Twin.
The Right Handed Twin did have a slightly twisted side, because if he had been true to himself, he wouldn't have lied about his one weakness, it would have remained a fair fight throughout the rest of eternity between the twins.
The Left Handed Twin did do some real good, making sure to keep the population down of the animals his brother had created, and then telling the truth. In my own opinion, I don't honestly believe he had been as truly evil as the rest of my classmates believe him to be. Honestly, the Grandmother wouldn't have favored an evil child over a truly good one, so I do think some of this story is left out, or meant to be left to the imagination of the reader, in either case, this story does have some complex thought and some inner soul searching if you think about this story in the correct way.
ReplyDelete8th Hour
In the movie The Vow the couple is very much in love. They met in college and hit it off right away. Their love was strong and they got married. They were driving to go out to eat and it was very snowy. They stopped at a stop sign and went to kiss each other and a big truck came up behind them, not able to stop soon enough, he slammed into the back of the car pushing the car into the intersection. The girl hit her head and was in the hospital for awhile. At the hospital her husband tried talking to her and she had no idea who he was because she lost all of her memory. They are very similar because their love for each other was very strong. For example the poem says “If two were one, the surely we.” In the end of the movie she ends up falling in love with him all over again. Which proves why their love is strong and in the poem it says, “I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold”