Monday, January 14, 2013

Aging Gracefully: prepping for Hawthorne

"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" 
written by Nathaniel Hawthorne

     What do you like most about being the age you are right now?  What aspects of growing older do you look forward to?  What aspects of growing older are undesirable to you?  Do you think youth and age should be measured by the years a person has lived or by a person's behavior and outlook?


  1. Being 16 has it's ups and downs. You still get to enjoy the moments of high school. You don't have to pay rent or buy your own food and you still have your parents beside you helping you along the way. Growing up is still something to look forward to in a way. You can make your own decisions and start your future. You don't have your parents breathing down your neck with everything you do, even though they only do it because they care. There are some downsides though. You have to start new and get used to a new normal. Your old friends won't all be by your side anymore and you'll have to make new ones. Your teachers aren't going to be at college with you helping you at any moment with your homework or tests. When you get married and have kids you will have an even bigger responsibility and you won't have as much time to worry about yourself. I believe that youth should be measured by your maturity level and what you have accomplished in your lifetime. Age should still be measured by years but the only meaning it should have is how many years you have been in this world.

  2. Marisa Deutmeyer
    English 1st hour

    Being the age I am right now has many bennifits. I am 16 so of course one bennifit is having my liscence. I like that being the age I am right now, you are still able to make mistakes and learn from them. At this time of my life I am making many mistakes and I always learn from them. When you are older, some of those mistakes can have very big consequences. I like that I am still learning and enjoying life without having to many things to worry about. I look forward to a ton of things when I grow up. I am so excited to live on my own and go to college. I can not wait to be independant and not have to rely on my parents.
    I am pretty scared to grow up too. I think in the beginning of college I will not know what to do. I will be learning so many things like to pay bills and live on my own without help. I am scared to leave my family and start one of my own even though I am excited about it too. I think that youth and age should be measured by maturity. I know many people who are old but act like 3 year olds. I believe the act that you age, is the age that you should be treated as.

  3. Jesse melchert
    The age that i'm on right now is nice becauseat the age of sixteen you have many more responsibilities just like you do when you turn eighteen. One of my passions is fishing and when you turn 16 you are required to have a a fishing liscence to help pay for the maintinance of the ponds and river. 16 is a stress ful age because your parents expect alot more out of you because in my house you are considered an adult. THey expect you to do the laundry do dishes and just clean all the time. There are a few bennifits tp being this old and this means that i no longer have a curfue as long as i'm in hopkinton and I can pretty uch do what I want.

  4. Ben Dzaboff
    English 1st

    Why do I like being the age I am now is because of all the things I am able to do. I have my license and I am able to go where ever I want to go. I like being my age I am because I dont have to grow up yet but I am old enough to be an adult. People treat me like an adult and I can do adult things but then I still have time to be a kid. I am able to play basketball and do all the other sports because of my age. I am enjoying my life because of my god given talents. I have great parents and they let me do a lot of things and try new things. I am looking forward to growing up but at the same time I am not. College is going to be a great time in my life, and some people now are afraid grow up. I am looking forward to getting a job and living on my own and starting fresh. Growing up has its advantages but it can be hard to grow up. I don't want to pay all the bills and be responsible for all of my actions. The great thing is now I can learn from all of my actions now but when I am older it will cost me something. I think age should be measured by how old you are. If it wasn't measured by age then a lot of kids would miss out on a lot of growing up. A lot of kids would miss important milestones in their life.

  5. My age right now has many great things about it. I have some responsibilities but not as many as a adult has. I can drive and go wherever I want but can't be out later until 12:30 until I'm 17. I can make most of my decisions and I like that. The reason I like making my own decisions is because I can be independent. I am always usually around someone and when I can make a educated decision without someone I feel good about myself. Also I can learn from mistakes without paying a huge price. I can also learn from my parents and other adults in my life.
    I look forward to being a father because I look up to my father and I have learned a lot from him. Also I look forward making a name for myself in whatever I job I chose. I want to see what handling money is like and how to manage what I need and what I want. I look forward to the challenges because I want to see how I handle them.
    Something that are undesirable to me would be not having as much free time as I do now. I like having time to do whatever I want but when I'm adult I will have to give my time to others more and more. Another thing I am not looking forward to is being alone for the first time. I am usually never alone because I have a twin and a great girlfriend. It will be hard for me because I don't like being alone either, it's a weird feeling for me.
    I think a person's age should be measured in behavior and outlook because there are some mature people and not some mature people. Also some people have different outlooks on life in what they want to accomplish and what they want to make of their life. It would be way different if it were that way because you probably wouldn't be with the same people you are today in class. Also people would get treated different, probably better because the people you are with would be like you.

  6. When your 17, life defiantly has its ups and downs. You have money, if you work, you dont have any real bills, and you have lots of time on your hands to do almost whatever your heart desires. But then when you think about it, you really have to start thinking about what you want to do in life, because you wont stay this age forever. And that can get a little scary. But then again it is time to leave the nest. College is right around the corner. Its actually pretty exciting to go to college and start your own chapter. I think age should be measured by behavior and outlook. Personally if it was measured like that I could live forever. When you think about it someone can be 50 and still act like an infant. I know people who are less mature than I am and their 25 or so, and thats saying something. But no matter where you go in life you'll always have tose people no matter where you go in life.

  7. I love being 16 because I can drive and all, but I don't have to worry about the things older people do, like being kicked out of college or fired from work, not having money to pay some bills, etc.. I would love to grow a couple years so I could go to R rated movies and buy M rated games and other things like that. Growing older also worries me because in two years I would be all by myself in college, worrying about all of those things without my friends nearby.
    Personally, I think your age shouldn't be determined by how many years you have lived, but by how you act. There are certain people that are older than me that act like they are ten years old and don't deserve to have a driver's license. These people also don't deserve to have the ability to buy things like alcohol, using it in the worst way possible. There are also people that are seventeen that deserve to have more privileges.

  8. I'm 17 years age and a good thing is I can drive with no restrictions. I can stay out late. I can also go to rated R movies. As I grow older I desire getting more freedom and more respect from my parents. One thing I don't want to happen is living on my own. I think I will be very lonely and miss being home. I also don't want to be in a very big city and want to be around the farm. I also think that it should be on their outlook and behavior because a lot of younger kids are very well respected because they act mature. Other people who are 18 don't act their age and aren't as respected as younger kids.
    Tanner Hargrafen

  9. Drew Wilson
    Am Lit 1st

    I love being 17 because there is no curfew on my license now. I do have responsibilities but not as many as my mother. Being an adult brings many advantages and disadvantages. For example you have to have a job and pay taxes and bills, but being a kid can also be tough cause our parents gave birth to us so just we do the work they don't want to do. I am afraid of growing up because living away from the farm and family sounds scary. Everyone makes college out to be so tough and a huge wake up call, and I don't think I am ready for all of the responsibilities. Growing up is apart of life and I am ready to live a long prospering life. I am ready to persevere through the bad times and good times of life.

  10. Haley Hillers
    American Lit 1st

    I think being the age i am now has its pros and cons. What I like most about being 16 is that I am independent, but still dependent on my parents. If I need something, I know I can always talk to my parents about it. When I go to college and grow older, I'm going to have to pay for my own food and pay my own bills, things that my parents do for me now. I love not worrying about problems. I don't have a lot of conflicts in life. Homework and chores is about all I have to do. That is nothing like running a business or paying a car payment. What I am not looking forward to is all of the responsibilities that comes with being an adult. You can't look to someone for help all the time. You have to find a way to resolve the problems that you have. Also, I'm not looking forward to working every day until I'm 55. That just doesn't sound fun to me. As a teenager, you have more free time and breaks. I think a person's age should be measured by their outlook. If someone has a negative outlook on life, they really aren't living. If someone loves life and lives every moment like the last, they feel better and younger. It's not about how long you live, it's about what you do in that period of time.

  11. Rachel Becker
    Am Lit 8th hr

    Being a teen is really nice because most don't have to worry about bills and paying off loans. I like being able to drive places with friends on the weekends and just having fun. I have practice and work so I do have some kind of structure to my life. I look forward to getting married and having a family. Getting a house and having a a job that I love. I don't look forward to the worries of paying bills and paying off college debt. Paying for a house and the loans needed for it. I think age should be determined by the way you act. I only know age by the number of years you have lived but your behavior should have an effect on your age too. People can be older then me but act immature. Someone could also be younger and be more mature then me. It could go either way, but could have an effect on the way we live.

  12. Maddie Digmann
    8th hour

    I love being 17, and the biggest and best thing, probably, is having your license. You can stay out as long as you want, but you still have the responsibility of getting home safe and not in trouble. Being a teenager has disadvantages, too. Some people think of you as still a child and permit you from doing things that you would enjoy doing. But others do think of you as a young adult and let you try new things and experiment with things. People start to trust you more and put more things on your shoulders. That can be both good and nerve racking. I am looking forward to growing up and I'm not looking forward to it. I am a little scared to go off to college, because I'm nervous to be out on my own. But at the same time I am excited to go out and try new things and meet new people. You don't get these years back, so we have to make the most out of them. I believe that a person's life should be measured in both years and outlook on life. You need to live life to the fullest and don't take anything for granted. Live every moment like it's your last. But you also have to have a positive outlook on life. Without a positive outlook, you might not live as happy a life as you would like, and that, in turn, could make yours shorter.

  13. Marlaina Orcutt
    1st hour American Lit

    Being a teen is great! You are finally old enough that your parents don't have to drive you around, you have more freedom now than you've ever had before! You dont have to worry about being on your own, you live with your parents. You also don't have to worry about paying bills, unless of course your parents make you pay for your own gas. Being in high school is good for the most part but there can be some downs to it. Maybe your parents don't let you do things that you know you want to do and your friends have invited you, or maybe they just don't want you hanging out with certain people, after all you still live with them and they still do have a say in what you do. When I think about getting older, I look forward to being on my own and making my own decisions, but at the same time, moving away from home is a little scary, mom and dad won't be there forever. I look forward to having a job that I love and being married and having a family of my own. When I think about getting older, the only thing I really don't look forward to is paying bills on my own and when I am way older, losing people that I love. I can think about the future all I want but now I am living for now! Planning for my future but not basing my life now all around that.

  14. Beging a teen is great, but it also has it's up and downs. You are finally at that age where you don't need your parents to drive you around. You don't have to worry about beging on your own yet, or paying bills. High school is where all the up's and downs come in. you always want to hang with the right people and be in the cool clubs but you dont want your friends making fun of you for it, or talking behind your back. Now when I think about getting older I sometimes wish i didn't have to move out and pay anything, but at times i can not wait till i can be on my own and have a job I love and to be able to go out with friends whenever i want. I also want to get married and have a family of my own. I do no look forward to paying bills. I can think about what i want my future to be but right now its all about right now.

  15. Time flies in the blink of an eye. Looking at where I am today at the age of 16, I see the things that I have accomplished. What I like most about this middle teen age is that I have a voice in anything I choose. I get to do knew things everyday and learn from mistakes I make so that i know they will not happen again as I get older. People say that driving and parties are some of the best things about being this age but when I look at it, I see that the greatest motivator right now is that there are the people around you that are helping you grow and help you learn as much about the world before the time comes. The time in your life when age goes up. The years go by. The main things in life that I am looking forward to is going to college and hopefully having a family of my own. I look at the way my parents are with my siblings and I, they have joy in raising their own children to the adults we are today. I want the college to come fast because I know that without education, life will be rough. I want the education so I can get to the point that if I get a family of my own that I will have the capability of raising them just like my parents did to me. In my opinion I believe that people's lives should be measured by the behaviors and their outlooks. Years are but a number. Your behavior could make it seem like you have lived longer than what you really did. People who have a good attitude towards life and live everyday like it's their last live longer than others. The number between them and another may be different, but I guarantee they lived a happier life. If you worry about the years you will just watch them go by. Age is but a number, live life to the fullest.

    Jake Nefzger

  16. bailey whittenbaugh is Bella ^

  17. The thing I like most about being my age right now is that I don't have a lot of responsibilities in my life. As you age you gain more and more responsibilities. I love at this age that you can dream about what you want to be when you grow up. Plus if you work hard at what you really want to do anything could come true. I think I look forward to the most about getting older is that I can start my own family. I can be a father, and a husband if I want. Or I can be a bachelor who knows what I right now. I believe that life shouldn't be measured by the years but by their outlook. If they have a positive outlook they are most likely going to act younger then they really are. You are as l old as you think you are.

  18. Adam Vorwald
    8th hour

    I love being 17! The more responsibility and freedom that comes with turning seventeen is great. For one thing you can get curfews taken of and get your graduated license as long as you haven't had any accidents for 12 months. Another thing that I really enjoy is you get into rated R movies. It's pretty funny when people ask for your id every time thinking your not seventeen. Another thing is being allowed to buy mature rated games as well, something that a lot of people play wether they are old enough to or not.
    Things Im not happy about getting older is your at the age where you should start getting a part time job if you don't already have one. Your also almost done with your teen years which is a little sad thinking in a few years I will already be 20. Another thing that isn't great about aging is being considered an old person. No one wants to be consider some old person thats not up to date with the times.
    I believe that youth and age should be measured in how much wisdom one has and I also think your only as old as you behave and think you are. Some people start to slow down as they grow older and say things like "Oh I'm too old to this.". Others however never stop slowing down and continue to live the fast paced life until the day they die.
    When I grow "older" I really hope I don't slow down and instead live the pace all my life rather than slow down. This way I can really get the most out of life.

  19. Being 16 really is not the awesome. I mean you can drive where you want now, but when you try to get a job they still say you are to young. I know your not suppose to wish your youth away but I wish I was 18. Being able to have a job and supporting your self. Do things on your own and be independent. Getting to old the less you are able to do and then you have to start depending on people again. Not being able to do things that you were able to do like run, work, or eat some food that you were able to before. Youth and age should be measured by how you act and your outlook because I get told all the time that I act older then I look. Well if I act older shouldn't I be able to do stuff that is at my maturity. Sometime I am more mature then my own parents. Your youth really doesn't last that long so you should use it while you can..... But then again some people never grow up.....

  20. Being 17 is pretty good. You get that taste of freedom without actually being on your own yet. Its nice not having your parents drive you to where you want to go and you can go to places where yo want to go to an extent. One thing I am looking forward for when I'm older is that I will have a lot of freedom and I can venture around the country or even around the world. You get to meet new friends and be on your own. The stuff I am not looking forward to when im older is all of the bills and not Having anytime. Looking around at all of the adults it feels like nobody has anytime to relax and that it gets even worse when you leave high school. I am really not looking forward to to not having any money. I still think age should measured by years even though it dosen't matter how old you are you still have a little bit of child left in you. So it actually does depend on the way you look at it because it can be viewed in many different way, but all I do is take it one day at a time.

  21. Rachel Knipper
    8th Period Am Lit

    Being 17 can have many aspects of being both good and bad. For instance, being 17 means no more curfew, being able to get into Rated R movies, and not having any driving restrictions. Some cons definitely include being more responsible, being expected to start looking att colleges, and being made to grow up. I wish I could stay this age, I can go out when I wan how late I want, according to parents rules of course. I believe that many people would agree with me that their is a great difference between being 16 and 17. It seems like once you turn 17 adults expect you to start acting more like an adult, and to suddenly be much more responsible and always to be thinking about what we are doing, but we are still kids! We still make mistakes! We are not perfect! Even though it seems people believe that we should be! Just because we are 17. I mean we still have a lot of freedom, don't get me wrong, no curfew and such is extremely nice, but I just want things to stay this way forever, having fun without a single care in the world. Getting older holds many good things! Such as how we can study what we want in college, make new friends, and have a family. Some bad things include having to be more responsible, having to take care of others, and realizing that you cannot do what you want. I believe that age is measured in a certain amount by years, but more by the experiences that you have and how you use those experiences in your day-to-day life. You can be 50 years old, but act 20, or be 20 and act 50. It all depends on the age, and the persons reactions to the things that happen in their life. Life is not measured in numbers, it is measured by the moments that you take full advantage of.

  22. Jenna Beitz
    8th hour American Lit

    Being 17 definitely has its ups and downs, depending on the day. We have the freedoms of being able to drive to where we'd like to and more freedom from ours parents and getting to be involved in more.
    One thing I look forward to is college, you get to go wherever you'd like to to get a better education on something that you want to devote your life to. I also look forward to having my own family and being able to make more of my own decisions.
    I don't look forward to having to pay all my own bills or losing people that mean a lot to me.
    I don't feel that life should be measured by how old you are but by how mature you are. Some people grow up faster then others.

  23. I love being a teenager because you have so many possibilities in this time of your life. You have so many opportunities at your reach and you never get this time back. As you get older, you have more and more responsibilities. You have to worry about money and being on your own and when you are a teenager you don't have to worry about anything and you don't have the amount of stress as an adult. You get to live with your parents and not worry about gas and food or bills. Life shouldn't be measured by the years, but the amount of fun and how you enjoy the years you've lived. You are never young again and you never get to enjoy not having to worry about anything. You get to be old for the rest of your life and only get six years to be a teenager. I don't wish away my years being young. I love being able to have a lot of energy and playing sports. Those things are really important to me. Also hanging with my friends all the time and having a good time because as we separate when we go to college we can't just call up our group of friends and hangout. Life is a gift and you have to live each day to its full potential.

  24. It's been an eventful 17 years. It's had ups and downs, and will have many more to come. Getting older is a part of life. We always get told to grow up faster, but then when we are grown up, we do anything in our power to slow it down. As I grow and get older, I am looking forward to going to college, finding the love of my life, getting married, then starting a family. I know that the older I get, the older my parents and relatives get. The part of life I am not looking forward to are paying the bills and losing the loved ones close to me. Being in high school gives you so many opportunities to be yourself. Whether it is speech, drama, sports, or even music. There are almost too many opportunities for you to be yourself. You are the only one to control your life. You can't take your high school years for granted, because they do fly by oh so fast. I mean I am already a junior. It seems just like yesterday I walked into these doors as a scared little freshman. Junior year means upperclassman, prom, and getting to know the new freshman, and making so many new friends. I sure hope my future will hold very exciting goals for me to accomplish.

  25. ^Brooke :) 8th Hour :)

  26. Madi Gibbs

    Some teens want to grow up so fast, I want to go to them and yell at them to slow down! You have right now to find out who you are and what you want to be the rest of youre life, spend time with all your friends and have minimal worries. I do look forward to moving on from being a teen, and becoming what i have always wanted to be, but thinking about going to college is scary , you wont have your parents to help you when you dont know what to do, and you wont have all your friends with you all the time. I think years are more important because, you may be very mature but you still need to live those years because you will miss them when you are old, you need the experiance.

  27. Cody Lahr-8th
    I like spending time with my friends. I feel like without them, my life would be boring and uneventful. I also like having my license, and having parents that aren't to strict, and let me go places. I also like being able to work a job and make money for myself. I look forward to being able to go to school to do something I am interested in, and something I love doing. That way, if I get a job doing what I want, it won't become too tedious and I will enjoy it. I feel like you must do what you want, or your job will get old fast. I am not looking forward to aging and getting old, though. I am not looking forward to the stress that will come with being an adult, and having to pay off loans for houses and vehicles. I think age should be measured on maturity. Some people may be 14, but act much older, and get along better with older people. I also know people my age that act like they are 14. They need age, though, for laws like licenses and such. I feel like once you reach a certain age, you are eligible for certain things, but most then prove you are mature enough for them as well.

  28. Emily Grant
    American Lit 8th hour

    Being a teen means; staying out late, running on no sleep, feeling invincible, doing what we want when we want (When my mom says its okay!!!), acting weird and non mature. You have to admit it, being a kid is kind of awesome. You get to live in a house with a bed and food and your parents pay for almost everything. At the age of 16, I get to drive and have some freedom that I never had before. Being a teen can be rough but it can be pretty great too! Just think in two more years we are going to have to go off to college and be on our own! It is scary! Some people are more ready to move out of the house than others and that is okay. Once you move out you have to pay for your food, schooling, housing... etc. Growing up is new responsibility that you have to account for. But life is too short to live scared. Go out there and make the best of your life while you can. Make decisions that will benefit you in the long run. Live as it is your last day! Make an adventure out of it!

  29. I think that the best part of life is being a teenager. Of course when you are younger you get everything handed to you and done for you. When children dream of their teen years they dream of freedom and at the same time they get a little bit more responsibility put onto them each day. When I get older I am most excited for starting a family. Being an adult can be great and yeah I'm sure there is a ton of kids out there that would much rather be an adult than be a teen but they don't realize that they have their whole lives to be an adult but your teem years fly by. Young isn't always under twenty and old isn't always love sixty! If you are spunky and truly enjoy life then I would definitely consider you young.

    Amy Bacon

  30. People say your teen years are the best years of your life. We get the best of both worlds. We are able to drive and work and do many other things that adults can. We also get the benefits of being a kid like no big responsibilities, no bills to pay and we have someone to always cook for us. Some draw backs of being a teen would be the rules, and the limitations. We can never just do what we want to. Being young is fun but nobody can be truly young forever. You will eventually have to grow up and accept the responsibilities of life. Just because you have to do these things doesn’t mean you can never have fun or you always have to act serious and put together. Sometimes even adults like to let loose and have fun. To me age is really just a number. A 50 year old has different responsibilities than a 15 year old but they can still act young sometimes. Don’t ever let a number limit what you can do in life. Always strive to do your best and never tell yourself that you can’t.

    Breanna Recker

  31. Age is merely a number. A person's outlook on life is what makes them young or old. Right now, I am a teenager preparing to become an adult. Teenager's have it easy. We don't have to worry about bills or electricity or children. We can focus on ourselves and enjoying life. That is the best part about being a teen to me. I enjoy having little responsibility, but I am also excited to start my own life. I look forward to having a career and family and I accept the everyday challenges that adulthood will throw my way. I will miss the energy youth brings. I love exercising and sometimes get little sleep at night, and when I am older it won't be as easy for my body to tolerate those things. Everyone has different opinions about life and growing old. My opinion is that being old doesn't mean you have wrinkles and gray hair. It means you are wise and have lived through many things. Young is just a way to describe the people that are carefree. I am thankful for every year I get to live, whether I am young or old!

  32. Being 17 is like a free trial, all the fun without the expenses. You get to stay out later. Finally you have your own car and you don’t need your parents to take you to places you want to go. If you decide to get a job you’ll have money without many or any bills to pay, so you have more money to buy nice things with. You get the joys of an adult without the headaches. Don’t waste your time as teen, it’s supposed to be the glory years. Eventually you'll grow up and have to take on all the responsibilities of an adult. At least as a teen you can get semi prepared.

  33. Being 16 is kind of great because of fact that at 16 you can drive. We no longer have to ask our parents to drop us of at the movies or anything. We just ask to take the car and you just take off on your own plus your in high school the best years of your lives, but at the same time the worst. There is a lot more drama in high school and harder work. Another downside of being 16 is that everyone tells you to act older and more mature so you do then you feel like your an adult and can do adult things and make adult decisions but you can't. The main reason I can't wait to grow up is to be able to have my own house and be able to use my own creative mind to make it look perfect. I also can't wait to have a husband and a family so then I'm not just taking care of myself, i have others to take care of. I want to be able to raise my kids how I want to and have the opportunity to see what I raise and create, and hopefully they will grow to be all I ever dreamed and that they become all that they ever dream of becoming. I think age should be measured by how many years you live so that people have that to rely on to be able to set goals, like graduating at 18, having a family by 26, getting married by 25, graduating college by 24. The numbers of our age define us and how we need to act. Like terrible twos and like when you move from 12 to 13 you know that you are now a teenager and need to become more mature and act like a teenager.

  34. Felicia
    8th hr
    I like being the age I am now for many reasons. It’s an exciting time for me, because I am getting very close to senior year which means graduating. Even though I have not yet decided what I would like to go to school for I do look forward to it. I feel confident that I will be able to find the career that is right for me. I am looking forward to all of the new experiences I will have with college, and hope to make it the best experience I can. There are of course concerns I have about getting older. It makes me realize how much closer I am coming to needing to make a decision on what I want to major in in college. Which can be stressful, because you don’t really want to spend money on courses only to discover your not interested in that. I would change my major if I truly felt that it would be better for me, but I am hoping that I make the right decision for myself before I begin my major. Getting older can be scary in many other ways as well. I always hear people say that you never realize how much you enjoy being young until you are older, and can’t go back. As for right now though growing older does not scare me. It’s just that I have so much going on right now that I don’t even think about it. Of course after college though it might hit me that I am kind of afraid, because at that point I will no longer be a young adult. One thing I find undesirable is that one day I may be so old that I can’t take care of myself anymore, and that’s scary to think about. I think it’s important to live your life to the fullest, and take as many opportunities as you can. I wouldn’t want to be eighty, and not have done really anything with my life. I would want to look back, and see all that I had accomplished.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. *corrected*
Age has its ups and downs. Im 17 years old and I love it. I am able to make mistakes and go back and try it over. I don’t really need a goal I can just go do what I want and not have much of a repercussion. Being young does have its faults. You can’t live on your own and you can’t just go to college because you have High school. I want to go to college. I think being 17 is awesome though. I already said it up above in like the first few sentences but I look forward to living on my own having my own place and going to college. I think it’d be awesome doing all that I mean you’ll be like 20 years old and practically a 4th of your life will be gone but I think that’s what I am mostly looking forward to is just getting out on my own and being successful. One thing I’ll dread about getting older is the age part and eventually all the wrecking on my bike and just stupid stuff thats going to kick me in the butt. Another thing is finding and picking a job after college. That will be really hard. Honestly, I think age is just a number, call that crazy but you can be as mature or immature as you want to be. Some people are wiser then their years and others, well lets just say they should have just stayed back in kindergarden for a few years. Overall though being young does have its faults and its good parts as well as being older. I guess all you can say is just don’t look back at life and live each day to the fullest.

  37. The main thing I like most about being 16 is having freedom, but still having the luxury of not paying bills or worrying about how I'm going to eat. Being young is great, you can do what you want for the most part and you're pretty healthy. It's exciting to think about going to college and graduating, but at the same time it's scary because you're about to have a different lifestyle afterwards. You're going to have to work more and have less time for fun, more bills to pay and tons of homework in college. It also seems kind of fun though too, to have your own place and more freedom. You just have to prioritize things in your life as you get older though. What's more important, going out or making money? I think age should be measured by a person's outlook, because age is really just a number. Some people mature differently then others. Also, not everyone feels old/young (whatever their age). Some people might feel like they're still young when they're old and some people feel old when they're young. It depends on a person's lifestyle and how mature they are, not by how many birthdays they've had.
