Friday, September 5, 2014

Exploration Blog

Peter Hoeg stated, "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.” We've read and listened to multiple exploration stories.  First of all, what does he mean?  Second, do you believe that Hoeg's statement is correct based upon the learning you've had the past two weeks?  Discuss your thoughts completely.


  1. By saying that, "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions." Peter is saying that when people are traveling for a long time people tend to get hostile and want things done their way. People may get irritated or stressed while traveling. I think this statement is very true. While people travel emotions can come out and overflow a situation. Even in the last couple of stories we have read we saw that it can happen. It can happen because of people passing away or just simply the traveling aspect of it.

  2. "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions." This quote can be taken many different ways. I think it means that when you travel you are going to encounter many different things that you aren't expecting. This will cause you to experience many different emotions that you don't usually experience. Traveling will bring these emotions out because you haven't experienced these things before. I believe this quote is true. When people got sick in "Of Plymouth Plantation," the healthy people had to take care of the sick. I'm sure that they didn't expect to be caretakers, but the traveling brought out these emotions that made them want to help. In "My Sojourn: In the Lands of my Ancestors," her travel brings out gratitude. She is thankful for all that Uncle and the people of the community for all that they give her. Traveling definately brought out the slaves emotions in "Olaudan Equiano." They wanted to kill themselves because of the conditions while they were traveling. So i do believe that Peters' statement is true.

  3. The quote, "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.", can relate to some perspectives from the many explorations we have read and learned about. I think that Peter Hoeg is saying that when you travel, you may express things you may have never expressed before through challenging. Almost like you are seeing a different side of yourself that you normally don't see or haven't seen before. You may also still see the emotions you normally carry throughout yourself. Do I think the quote is true? Yes. I feel these explorers expressed emotions they had never known to express before. In "La Relación", the explorers helped those in need. Also, in some other stories the Natives helped the explorers. When the times were hard, some explorers may have felt hatred or praised God more than they normally do because of what happened on their journey.

  4. Hoegs statement "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions" is something that I think is very true. We have read a lot recently about how traveling leads to bad things but in the end it usually turns out good..And this all may change peoples emotions about things. I believe that in Hoegs statement he is saying that the things that you witness or may experience may change the way you look at things. Like in Of Plymouth Plantation the settlers thought that the Indians were bad and are a threat but they weren't the indians actually taught them a lot of things and helped them a lot. I feel like this quote is very true because I feel as if I may stereo-type places, like Mexico is a bad place. But once I go to the place I feel differently about the area. Also In the reading I read " Boulders taller then Seville" they thought that The Grand Canyon was going to be very easy to get to but once they tried it was very hard and it changed their emotions a lot about the place.

  5. "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions." I think this quote can have many different meanings. I think that when people do travel, they have many unexpected things happen to them. They experience a variety of emotions because of this. I do agree with this quote. Whether it be good or bad, my family always has a mixture of emotions when traveling to places. I also agree with this quote because of the stories we have read in the past couple weeks of class. These stories took us on an emotional roller coaster. In the story "Of Plymouth Plantation" the Pilgrims are very sad and depressed on the boat ride to the West Indies, and they are very happy and thankful at the end of the story. In the story "Olaudan Equiano", the author had a pretty good life until he was kidnapped. He was scared for his life and very depressed after being kidnapped. All these stories had many different emotions which makes me agree with the quote "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions."

  6. There are so many emotions that can be rattled when you are traveling. He knows that the felling of moving to a different place where you didn't know anyone. The thought of being moved from one place to the next is scary, and that even though it is hard, you still keep going to get to where you want to be. I think that this is very true because the pilgrims came to cape cod to explore, but yet had emotions because they were taking such a great risk. They also had so many deaths and diseases that that could have been enough to stop them but they continued to keep moving on. Also all of the other groups that came over for work and exploration have taken their gamble on starting their new life in a different place. Moving to the new world is a strong mix of emotions.

  7. "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions." means that the more a person travels, the more they learn, see, and change. In the instance of the pilgrims, they weren't very cultured and they were very simple-minded people. However, on their trip to the New World, they learned more from experience than anyone could from a book. Their feelings also differed after the trip. They more understood that they were at the mercy of God and that anything can change.
    I also believe that his statement is very true. Like I said before, the Pilgrims' feelings changed greatly after they moved to America. They were connected more to God after their trip and first winter than they were in civilized Europe. Also, in the story that my group read, the slaves' emotions changed tremendously because they were captured and sent off to some new world that they didn't want to go to. They struggled with their time and suffered greatly.

  8. I think that the quote "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.” says that when you travel with a group of people for a long time they tend to show their true colors when things get tense. Yes, I believe that Hoegs statement is true, you see the groups of people traveling and when things get tense all of the group members start to show who they really are on the inside

  9. "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions," says that when you travel with anyone there is many things going through your head, like how will survive, were will I find food, will we be the only people on the Island. It also means that anything can happen to anyone on a long trip like getting sick and dieing. Yes, I do believe that his statement is true because the pilgrims thought they were the only ones in the new world and when the Indians came they had no clue what and who they were and what they would do to them. In another story when the main character got captured and brought to a new land. During the boat ride they could do nothing because if they would do anything wrong they would be beaten so hard that they could not moved. They all thought that god would help them though the bad times.

  10. I believe this quote is referring to the fact that when you are traveling, you tend to have different priorities, and therefore different emotions. Traveling will essentially "shorten" everyone's fuses at some point, making even the smallest things a huge deal; emotions magnified. We see this in each story with the shortage of food, where they then get help in some way and are so grateful. I agree with this quote, and an easy relation to it is when the music department took a trip to Nashville. Everyone was tense by the end of the trip. All of these explorers/victims had obstacles to overcome and heightened emotions added on to those made it even more difficult.

  11. I think when Peter stated this the meaning behind it was to intend towards what the travel does to you. In Captivity this woman went through loosing a kid, slaved, and getting free. When she got out of slavery her life had so much meaning to it than it had before that because she knew what she had to loose. She didn't know her life was so good before her slavery but then found out how that can quickly turn around and how fortunate she was before. She knew what she had to live for and how much she had because of her travel. Second, do I think Peter's thinking is true? Yes, in all of these stories has changes someone's life in some way. My Sojourn her son got in an accident and she got a job all while finding where home was, La Relacion the Indians saved their lives and helped them live, Captivity she found her way out of slavery and lost a child, Olavdah Equiano was a slave when he was young with horrible living conditions, and last but not least Boulders Taller than Seville they explored the Grand Canyon in search of more data for Europeans. All of this changed the narrators' lives or helped your own country collect more data. If they didn't go on these journeys their lives would be way different and they might have not have known what they are lucky for. Going on these journeys made them realize what they are lucky to have not wishing what they had.

  12. The definition behind the words, "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions," happens to be that when you are traveling with different types of people to new places, you emotions can get out of hand. You will see all the times of happiness, sadness, anger, remorse, sorrow, etc. I also infer that he is trying to say that people get out of hand and the emotions go crazy. They may be a anger but it will come out 10 times worse. I agree with Peter. It was shown in every story we read and talked about. One example from O.P.P. is when Bradford was talking about the scurvy, he showed gratefulness towards the men that helped everyone. He talked about them as if they were a gift and savior from God. An example from "My Sojourn; In The Land of My Ancestors," was the amount of sadness she had expressed when thinking of her ancestors and the people kept in the dungeon. Another example from that story is the amount of disappointment she showed when she was thinking about how she was American. She didn't want to be at that moment. In a lot of the stories, the amount of respect they showed towards God would be an example. They would thank God and express emotions that way. They didn't just have to express their emotions in the same way others would, they would sometimes express it in the way they thanked God like in "La Relacion". One last example would be how they were depressed and didn't want to live anymore in, "The Interesting Narrative of Olahno Equíano." Each story we read brought out hidden or dampered emotions of all explorers.

  13. "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions," a quote once stated by Peter Hoeg. I think he means that when you are traveling your emotions tend to be greater than they would be if you were just in your home town. In each of these stories, the narrators and others experienced many hardships, deaths, lack of food, and other difficulties. The tones vary from bitter and depressing to happiness and rejoicing. In times of hardships, many turned to God to look for help and hope. In the story of "Olaudan Equiano," it stated that they wanted to kill themselves at times due to their conditions. Because of these different things, I do believe that Hoeg's statement is true.

  14. "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions" stated by Peter Hoeg. I think he means that when you go to another place any one is going to have different emotions. If you are in a place you are used to, you won't have as many emotions as to a place you've never traveled in your life. Within each of the stories, many of them experienced what it was like to not have a whole lot of food, many deaths, and so many other difficulties along the way. I do believe this quote is true, because in "The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano" many people were very depressed and didn't want to go on. They would rather die than live their lives being beaten and harshly treated. Each story had a different point of view on how their journey went. Some went much better than others, but in the end everyone had different emotions and different outlooks on the journey. Therefor I do believe that Peter Hoeg's statement is true.

  15. “Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.” Peter Hoeg stated it flawlessly, as if he had spoken to every person discovering a new land before he wrote the quote. When Peter says “tends to magnify all human emotions,” he means that every emotion you have will feel more intense than usual. If you had the same emotion in two situations (a familiar and unfamiliar place), the second situation will obviously be worse. In the first situation, you are uncomfortable in only one aspect, the emotion. However, in the second situation, you are uneasy in both your environment and your emotion. While discovering new land, you are skeptical yet fearful of what you might find. You brace yourself for the worst while bracing for the best. In in all of these stories, that is exactly what each character had to do, only in slightly differing situations. But whether they were exploring the present Grand Canyon, traveling to Dunkwa, trapped on a slave ship, these characters all experienced similar feelings; being uncomfortable, scared, and unsure of how they will make it. But they all have their rock, something they hold on to and believe in. And that’s how they all make it in the end.

  16. Seeing the quote by Peter Hoeg "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions" can easily relate to our everyday life of exploring new wonders. When you have the urge to explore, it leaves your emotions running wild with excitement, fear, and tons of other emotions. Once you finally overcome your fears or traveling or trying new things, you wont have your head spinning in emotions. The pilgrims from Plymouth Plantation had tons of nerves as they were on there voyage across the ocean to the United States that was all talked about. Throughout all the stories that we learned about or read, the expectations that they had heard about the place they would see never met their expectations. Whether it be from how short the trip was going to be, the journey over, or their discoveries nothing could have prepared them for the journey they were faced with. In the majority of the stories our classmates read, almost every explorer and there group praised the lord for allowing them the safe journey and for finding food. But back in the day, there wasn't many people on land that provided assistance so it was all thought of that God was our savior and he is the one helping us. There is something from every story that created that hardship and challenged each group to get them where they are today!

  17. "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.” I think this statement is said very well and in a matter that everyone should look at it as something to always remember. What the quote is trying to announce is that when you travel, such as to new land, it really tends to open your eyes. A lot of people don't realize that when you travel how much it can really open your eyes in to how some people live and what emotions they go threw on a daily basis. Like as in my short story I read, My Sojourn in the Lands Of My Ancestors, she was brought to a new place where she had nothing and knew no one but a family, out of the kindness of their heart, they took her in and made her feel like she was at home. Even though they did not know her, they were interested in her and her story and what she had to go threw. Emotions grew as the family took her in, and for her to travel there was opening or, "magnifying" the emotions of the people. The short story I read is very well connected to this quote in those ways.

  18. I have always had a love of traveling. From as long as I can remember, the vacations across the country with my family have always been there. Each and every destination has gifted me with something my own home couldn't. Because of this, when Peter Hoeg says "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions," I feel as though I understand better than nearly anyone. Traveling leaves the traveler with a newborn's gaze taking in every new experience. The things learned on these journeys far exceed any lesson learned on familiar ground, and I think that's what Hoeg is trying to say. Traveling makes every experience more important.

    A prime example is Maya Angelou's short story about a woman finding her ancestors in Africa. The journey she took gave her a new perspective on everything from kindness to wealth and everything in between. Though she could have easily learned these lessons in her home of New York City, I don't believe it would have been as effective. The new atmosphere allowed her to truly understand what was taking place.

    Another examples lies in the very story I read, a story about Mary and being taken an Indian captive. Though this traveling and experience was forced upon her, it changed Mary nonetheless. Throughout the story her perspective changed on the Indians, the future, and her hope for the future. The story of her travels magnified every pain and sorrow and even growth, as well. Mary's eyes were opened by her experience.

    Whether it's through my own personal experience or the travelers' stories we've taken the time to read, I believe that traveling has an impact. Every feeling and action is enhanced by the unfamiliar setting. I believe I know this more than anyone. As Hoeg stated, traveling truly does magnify all human emotion. I don't think I could've said it better myself.

  19. Peter Hoeg's quote, "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions,” is not just speaking about emojis under a microscope. Hoeg is trying to tell us that by traveling out into the world, by meeting new people, by experiencing new things, by hearing the life stories of strangers, you take a journey inside yourself that not only magnifies all the emotions you've ever felt, but also puts them into perspective. I have never agreed more with any man than I do in this moment.
    The stories our groups read this past week proved this quote through and through. We read about hardships, loss, slavery, depression, illnesses and diseases, happiness, reunions, freedom, and so on. In "My Sojourn," Maya lost her son and divorced her husband, but still got in touch with her ancestry; something she had been wanting to do for awhile. In "La Relacion," the group's barge sank, but they were blessed with a close shore to find refuge and build new homes upon. "The Narrative of Captivity," brought us a woman who had been through many, many hardships (the loss of her child, being held captive, etc) and still lived and fought through her depression to be reunited with her family. In "Boulders" we learned of explorers whom were not prepared enough to live, but found helpful resources in an unlikely the place: the natives. Even in Olaudah Equiano's story he states that because he traveled and because he learned English, he was later able to free himself from the vines of slavery and then work to free others as well. As you can see, all these people-- these REAL people-- prove that Peter is correct. Taking a journey, whether through foreign lands or through your own self (they can sometimes be the same thing) allows you to dig deep into-- or "magnify," rather-- those emotions that every human feels at one point or another.

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  21. By "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions" I believe Peter Hoeg is trying to get across just how much traveling affects the average human being. He's saying that exploring new places also helps you explore more perspectives and ideas. Traveling let's you explore your own mind and emotions as go through new experiences. All of the stories my classmates and I read this week back up this quote quite well.
    First, the story that I read, "La Relácion." This short story was one told in first person, so it really showed the perspective and things learned by the narrator. In this story, some Spanish men went out to explore Florida, but ended up on an island far from it. Though they didn't expect to end up here, they learned many new things in this new place-just as Hoeg would expect them to. These Spaniards met Indians and saw how they lived, and eventually they also received their help. This opened the Spanish men's eyes completely as they couldn't have made it without these new friends' help.
    Another story read this week, Sjourn of My Strangers, was about a woman who was taken in by strangers in a land other than her home, but she was treated kindly and as one of their own. This definitely showed "magnified emotion" as well, seeing as these new people in a new land became like her family.
    From a personal point of view and after listening about these stories, I definitely believe what Peter Hoeg said is true. The way traveling has affected me and the way it affected the people in these stories shows that it puts things into perspective and changes a person. It creates and stimulates new ideas and emotions that can only be found through the wonderful adventure we call traveling.

  22. The quote, "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions," means to me that when you are under certain conditions, you tend to change. Conditions like lack of water, food, and rest make people stressed and hostile. All the short stories we have read the last 2 weeks have changed people. Being, that this statement is very true. For example, the pilgrims were very different before they reached the place they landed. They had to overcome death of a lot of people and lack of supplies. Point being, when you are under extreme conditions, you will begin to change. Peter Hoeg's quote is nothing but the truth and if I hadn't stated before, completely agree. Relating to my life, if I haven't studied for a quiz, I tend to be different. Picking up a trait like being stressed if something I have in common with the explorers of the short stories.

  23. I believe that when he says, "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions," he is saying your true emotions come out. Like when the people in the expeditions were starving or dying of disease their real emotions came out.They were nasty to each other ad did't want to be there any more. I do believe that Hoeg was right. Everything he is saying there is true. I know that when I go on vacation I get cranky being away from home. Now imagine being away for ever. That would be scary and frightening. I couldn't be away from home forever. I like my family to much. I wouldn't want to be in the pilgrims shoes. Or the explorers in that case.

  24. What Peter is trying to say is that when your on long journeys like the ones in the stories we've been reading, you will find yourself in a lot of different moods using a lot of different emotions. In the story "Olaudah Equiano", the guy is kidnapped and throw on a slave ship where he will be in some of the worst living conditions he's ever experienced. He will go through many different emotions on this journey such as sadness, loneliness, and hopelessness. That is why Peter Hoeg is saying this. I 100% agree with Peter because I have been on a few long trips to Florida with my whole family and trust me, with my younger sister, theres always emotions. I don't think Peter could have said it better, so yes I do believe his statement is correct.

  25. When people began to travel and explore in all of the exploration stories we listened to there was kinda a pattern with them they were either getting sick or die. The quote "Traveling tends to magnify a human emotions" can relate to all the stories in some way because the characters in the stories began to change. Yes I believe that Peter Hoeg statement is true because of what we learned about in other peoples presentations and how the characters in the stories began to think about how their life was. In my story Olaudah Equiano, He had a lot of change in his life as a kid. before he was taken against his will he had no troubles with life. When he got onto the ship is life was turned upside down. When I see that quote it reminds me of the people and friends in my lie that have gone through hard times and just want to give up but don't.

  26. "Traveling tends to magnify a human emotions." Peeeeeeeeeeeeeter Hoeg's quote could be taken in many different ways. I believe that he means that when people are traveling they are worried about what would go wrong and they are away from some of their friends and family. When people are anxious and nervous about something their emotions become exaggerated.
    I believe that Hoeg is correct about his statement. In the stories that we read the travels that they endured were not the best. They lost family members and were split up and many died because of sickness. Their traveling experiences were terrible they all faced struggles and death. They were on an emotional roller coaster. They had happy times, sad times, and sick times. Their emotions varied from day to day along with what was happing to them and their friends and family. They were put through many hardships that affected them physically and emotionaly

  27. "Traveling tends to magnify a humans emotions." When people travel they see and learn many things. When you see and explore new land you have to have an amazing emotion like you have never felt before. It could be good or bad, most of the time good. You see a lot of new things and meet a lot of new people when you go to new places. In all of the stories people had to meet new people and get out of their boundaries and explore new things. Some of them were not treated fairly and watched their friends and family die right in front of them. I think that Hoeg's quote is correct. When you travel you don't know what you are going to see or go through. There are many emotions that are going through your head. In my story Mary had many bad emotions. Such as losing her children and then going to find some that have been taken by the indians. She would have to be scared not knowing what the indians were going to do to her or her child. But in many other stories the travelers had great experiences and their emotions had to be running high.

  28. When he says this quote, I think is is saying that when we explore we will hit somethings that we have never expected and that it may change us. Our emotion will change towards each other when we are away from home and searching for food. We will treat everyone differently because we want their food. "Traveling tends to magnify all humans emotions. In the story with Equiano, his emotion had changed towards whites because they were the ones who took him away from his sister and his family and made him a slave. They made him go below the deck where it was so crowded and their was a deadly stench. In the story with Mia Angelo she had first traveled to Africa where she was going to see her loving husband but it had turned out that he wanted a divorce, and while she was traveling she had seen where her sisters where held when they were slaves. I do believe in what this quote is saying because, you go somewhere thinking one thing and then you get there and it may not be what you had expected. Just in the stories that we have read in these past few weeks, it is proven to me that your emotion will change. When we read these stories the one thing that I think they all had in common was that they all believed in god, and believed that god made them go there for a reason. In one of the stories they thought that the Indians helped them, and then in another story they thought that the Native Americans held them captive.

  29. The quote, "traveling tends to magnify a humans emotion" captures the theme of all of the exploration stories we have read and learned about. All the stories the narrator was either exploring or on some sort of a mission. They all have a quest, but every single one was walking into the unknown. Revealing new things is all about the reaction. It could be the simplest things to the most dangerous things. For everything encounter the explorers had there was a reaction which then followed by emotion. With different reactions to different things, new emotions are poured out. So that is what he means by "magnify humans emotions." My story by Maya Angelo is a prime example. She was born in America but her ancestors were from Africa. She heard stories of them being enslaved in these dungeons where conditions were brutal. When she traveled to Africa for a promised job the emotions became real. She drove past that spot where her grandparents were held captive and she felt emotions that were so weary and strong that she could no longer drive. In another story I learned the "Olaudah Equiano" a man was kidnapped and drug around the world to be sold as a slave. This type of travel really magnifies human emotions because of the details that he shares of all the brutal things that were done to him and other African Americans. No matter where you travel or what kinds of obstacles you face emotions will be expressed some foreign and some familiar.

  30. This quote by Peter is saying that when people travel to some place new or explore to new lands everyone tends to have different emotions. Most people are excited to see what is out there and some people are scared for change or something different. With all the different stories that we have read I think that his quote is true. In Equiano's story he was scared to see what came next and miserable to find out what they were doing to him. In the story about the pilgrims they were happy when they found land, but later on there was sickness going around and everything took a turn for the worst. When the Indians came and they started to get along they helped the pilgrims get healthy and it took a turn for the better. In the story about the Grand Canyon the explorers couldn't be afraid of the heights of the cliff to get down to the river. There can be many emotions you can be feeling because you don't always know what you are going to see or what is going to go wrong on your journey to your destination. When I look at all of these stories and what everyone went through I do believe that Peter's quote is true.

  31. The quote "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions" can be taken a few different ways. In my opinion it is basically saying that traveling speaks to a person's emotions and it changes how they feel about things. For example, when traveling you can have many different emotions. You are nervous, excited, and possibly even scared. You feel all of this because you are in a new environment and you don't know what to expect. I believe that this quote is relevant to all of our stories. Therefore I do believe that Peter's quote was correct because each individual explorer felt many different emotions on his or her journey and wasn't sure what to expect. In each story they faced many challenges such as sickness and disease, or possibly even other humans. With each of these challenges it affected them on a different way on the inside. For example it made some of the explorers sad and broken on the inside when so many or their fellow people on the journey were dying from different diseases. These are the reasons that I believe Peter's quote is relevant to the stories we have recently read in class.

  32. i think that what he is trying to say is that when you are traveling you feel many more emotions and they are much stoner than on a normal day. for instance when you are traveling on vacation or something if you get homesick or something like that you will feel those emotions are really strong. I think that he is correct in saying this because in all of the storys they expressed many very strong emotions throughout their journeys.

  33. I believe that this quote is true. By experiencing other things outside of your town or county you can realize the big picture in life. Also if you travel a lot then you experience different things that makes you react differently and make different decisions, making the quote "traveling tends to magnify all human emotions" very true to me. After reading these past stories it also brings out the truth in this quote. When the people were finding new places and exploring new land their true emotions came out when the times got tough. So in all I think that this quote is very true and reflects the stories we have read very well.

  34. In him saying "Traveling Tends to magnify human emotions," he is saying that when someone travels for a long period of time, you tend to exaggerate your emotions a little bit. There may be a mountain in the distance, but to you it's more than a mountain and is something that looks majestic and beautiful. There are so many new things that you see and experience while traveling it's hard to take everything in. I believe this statement is compleatly true. Sometimes I think we forget to notice the beauty in our everyday lives. In the stories that we read, almost all, if not all, were exploring and or doing something new. They might have thought somehting was terrible when in reality it wasn't that bad, they were just blowing it out of proportion.

  35. I think he means that when you're gone traveling everything is so new to you that it is a lot to take in all at one time. You can start to miss your family and your friends, that is if they don't go along with you. You could cry over the littlest things like a sunset or a newborn baby. I do think his statement is correct. As we learned in Olauda Equiano, people can change at anytime in their lives. We all go through things in our lives, some of those things can change us forever and some of them won't do anything to change you. Being captured at the age of eleven, he really didn't have much of a life. All Equiano knew after the age of eleven was slave trade and being brutally beaten. From his experiences he wrote a story so that everyone knew what it was really like and they didn't have to assume things any more. Then again, there are always those people who will never believe what he wrote because they would rather assume. These are all the reason I believe that Peter's quote has a lot of relevancy to all the stories we read and presented over.

  36. I believe Peter Hoeg's statement, "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotion," is true! I know from experience that people have a rush of emotions when they travel! Excited, nervous, scared, happy, sad, worried, confused, surprised, amazed, ect are all emotions that are felt while traveling. I know that in the story I read, Mary's emotions changed a lot by meeting new people, experiencing new things and seeing horrid scenes! In the last two weeks, I have leaned a lot about the early stages of the journey to where we are now. Indians, Pilgrims, how each survived and how each helped or hurt each other. Also how they felt and believed during this. This is why the quote, "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions," is connected to the stories we read and to the life we live!

  37. "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.” quote by Peter Hoeg is saying that when people travel a long way there really emotions come out. You get to see who that person really is when this happens. If the person is mean it will amp it up and you will see that person is a mean person. If that person is nice it will amp it up and you will see that person is truly a good person. I agree with Hoeg's statement when people have to be around the same people day in and day out you truly see who that person is. In almost all the story we read and have listen to this is true without almost all of them. So Hoeg's statement "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.” is correct.

  38. When we listened to the presentations from our classmates, they all had the same theme, but all had different meanings. The quote by Peter Hoeg tells us that many of the emotions while travel, depend on your mood and the experience. In the short story Olaudan Equiano, it talks about what the ship was like. How the children and adults on the ship were sad, starving, and wrought. They could not give up their lives because they had hope that one day they will be freed. In the story Boulder Taller Than The Great Tower of Seville it talks about how he was amazed by how big his discovery was of the Grand Canyon. The way the author feels during this time, shows a big part of their personality. In the short story I read, it talks about the outcome of Mary, and how much she endured faith and hope in God. It shows that there is a happy side to a sad start. It isn't the end until you call it the end. Hoeg's statement is completely true, it talks exactly about how a person functions with the setting they are in. Hoeg's quote connects to the stories well. The stories all had different emotions and point of views but that is because of the place and setting.

  39. When Peter Hoeg said "Traveling tends to magnify all human emotion," I believe that he meant that once you travel, your point of view and your emotions start to change, depending on what you see. You may have taken for granted what you had before you traveled, and now you may see things differently in your life. I definitely agree with this quote and what he is trying to say. After you have seen certain things or certain people, or even after you have experienced something, you may compare it to your own life and really think about how good your life actually is. In the story that I read, Mary lost a child while she was traveling. She was, of course, devastated. Later on she got to see her other children though, and she was very grateful to see them and have them with her. She was overjoyed when she got to see her children again. In the short story "My Sojourn," the author went to Africa to be treated more equally during the slave period. While being in slavery, she realized how bad it was everywhere, and she started to speak out about it. She wanted everyone to know how big of a problem slavery was. In "La Relacion," the author went on a journey and didn't find what he was looking for. Then times got rough and they had to become more dependent on God. Their emotions towards God grew very strong and they believed that God saved them. Overall, traveling does tend to magnify all human emotions, whether it be emotions with themselves, or emotions with God.

  40. Traveling has always made me personally feel stronger than any other place. I can connect more to a big city or an open country side I have never seen that my own backyard. New things give you a chance to reflect. Being out of my element are some of the times I have felt most spiritual. The African in my story felt the same way. He had never felt so alone, suicidal, or desperate. He was taken from his country against his will, and never felt feelings such as those. Seeing new things and experiences made him feel and experience more than he ever had.
