Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Last Lecture: Your Talents

In Randy's introduction, he writes, “If I were a painter, I would have painted for them. If I were a musician, I would have composed music. But I am a lecturer. So I lectured.” He shows us how important it is to use your talents. So now, think about your talents. In your blog, complete the following:

A. Explain & describe 1 – 2 talents you have.
B. Explain how you developed these or are developing these talents.
C. Explain how you use them or can use them to help others.


  1. One talent that I could use is working on vehicles. Being able to work on them myself can save me and my friends and family a lot of money. Whenever you take your vehicle into a shop, they usually have a labor rate of around 65$ or more and hour, and that adds up quickly. I developed these talents from a close friend of mine as well as working at Maurer Repair in Delhi. Like I said before, this talent can come in very handy when my vehicle breaks down because I can save a lot of money fixing them on my own. I recently saved my uncle over $500 when we went to Texas because the wheel bearing went out on his Chevy Equinox and all four brake pads and rotors needed to be replaced. I did them for him and saved him a good chunk of money so that is how this talent can help others.

  2. My talents don't really apply to helping people. I am very good at hunting deer and patterning mature bucks. I developed this talent by studying for years and spending hours in the tree stand learning. The only way I could help someone else out would be by donating the meat to the HUSH program. The HUSH program stands for help us stop hunger. FOr a extra dollar fee on your deer tag you can take your deer to the locker and donate it to the less fortunate. The meat gets donated to the needy in your county or nearby counties. Many people are helped out every year and thousands of meals are produced by generous hunters. If my talents could do anything to help others, then this would be the step I would take.

  3. My talent is farming, I am good at raising cattle and I have always been around them. Cattle is a passion of mine and I want to continue the cattle operation when I get out of school. I have developed my talent through being with the cattle and hands on learning with them, and being with the livestock is the best learning experience you could ever get. I want to use my talent that I have got by having livestock and I want to teach young kids about cattle.

  4. Although I can quite easily perform many things as talents, I believe that two of my greater talents in life are singing and dancing. I have developed these throughout my life. I can sincerely say that I never started these things and considered them a "talent" for me. Although I have natural talent in both of those areas, both of these gifts constantly require a tremendous amount of hard work. I hope some day I will be able to help others someday and change a little part of the world, even if I cannot change it all by myself. I hope to use my musical talents as therapy to help people emotionally, hence the title "Music Therapy." I also hope that by continuing to dance, even if it is long after my peak in life, I can inspire other people to pick back up that long lost talent of theirs or simply inspire them to WANT to grow within their talent. I cannot change the entire world, but I can help improve it one day at a time.

  5. My talents are, farming, taking things apart and putting them back together, and gaming. The talents I learned were from the things I do every day, farming, and things that Ioved to do when I was little. I loved getting legos and putting them together as fast as I can. After awhile I would take them apart and try to put them back together. I always had some kind of game my hole life. I played the playstation, wii, xbox and computer games when I was little. I don't really play them know. I could help others in some of the things that I do. If someone ask me about farming, I could tell them anything and everything I could about it. Then if they talk about it they will not be mistaken. The other things that are my talents can't really help everyone.

  6. Influencing people can sometimes be the best way to make a persons life change forever. Growing up, my parents always told me that things are not going to be easy when you get older, but that doesn't mean you should stop right where you are at. Being good at things is very hard to do, but that means that you should pick some qualities that you may work on and perfect. For me, ever since I was little I have focused on being the hardest worker possible. Also, I want to show people that honesty and dedication can show what type of person you are by never giving up. There are so many qualities that you can be good at so why just pick one. Pick two or three that you can help others work on to make even their lives the best they can. My Grandpa has slowly been decreasing in his health and he has always told me that he hopes I will be there to step in when he can't anymore. Knowing that he is getting older and he wants me to be the best I can has only challenged me to be the best role model possible. Showing others that you are staying strong even when things are tough can keep their eyes open too. Lecturing people on what they do best is very beneficial and can make the difference between a good day and a bad day.

  7. Sometimes I like to think of myself as a jack of all trades. I explore many forms of talents but I struggle to think of my so-called 'specialty.' I can play and sing music. I can do chemistry and I can swim pretty well, too. Drawing and golfing are another two. So I suppose, I'll just have to pick my favorites. I chose writing. Along with writing comes speaking.
    I'm no Shakespeare. I'm no Dr. Seuss, either. But I think I'm okay. When I sit down and words come out of my pen, my keyboard, I feel as though I could change the world. I feel as though my words will make people listen.
    Better yet, when I speak I feel the crowd lean in. I am telling them something that comes from my heart. I have the power to spark emotion: humor, sadness, or contentment. My words, when spoken, have immense power.
    I've had friends tell me that they wish they could speak like me. I've been told by speech judges that I make them want to listen. That's not nothing.
    If I have the power to reach people through words now, then in years to come, I can take it farther. I write in my free time, and I talk all the time. Giving speeches, helps me grow. I can keep going. I can go and make people listen. If I can change one person's views, then I've completed my duty. I've used my talents for the best.

  8. I am a musician. In every sense of the word, I am. Looking back in my family tree, the last person who played piano was my mother, but the last person who sang was no where near my time. My great-great grandma Marlof had a beautiful voice that, apparently, skipped a few generations, and finally landed on me. I've been singing since I was a child, and, thankfully, my voice has continued to develop and become beautiful. My piano playing only started two years ago, but my love for music and my drive for learning has progressed me beyond the short time I've known how to play.

    Right now, I don't see my talent as something that helps others, even though I've been told that it can affect people so drastically. I know that music is universal and can affect mass numbers of people in short timespans, and some day, I hope to be at that level. I hope to change someone's mood with just a few measures of music I've composed or sang. I hope to change people, and save people as music once saved me.

  9. I feel that I bring a lot of energy to the school, and make it a very loud place. I feel that I developed this over time just being me and realizing that I don't have to impress anyone in the reasoning of, I am not going to see these people everyday down the road so why not just be who I am? I am loud obviously, and I can be hear a mile away and my personality is always up and being a person that will always have a smile on my face. I can help others by what I do anyways. If i see someone is having a bad day, then I say hi and try and make them cheer up. I want everyone around me to be happy and i want to allow people to feel as energized as me too.

  10. I have a few talents, I do well with math and chemistry, I can read and comprehend things well, I can play many instruments. I am a bassoonist. It takes a lot to learn how to play because of all the keys and buttons and finger holes. It took me a lot of time and effort to learn all the little things that make the instrument work. I took lessons for awhile, but got busy and had to stop. I still practice a bit so that I can continue to grow as a musician. I perform for my family and they enjoy it and it makes them have a better day. If they have better days then they will be happier and smile and if they smile other people will smile. So, many people could have better days because I play for them,

  11. I feel that I have a few good qualities or talents about myself. I am good at having the ability to forgive people. In my ability to forgive people I developed from I feel is my parents. They always taught me how to forgive people and give them a second chance. I feel that this quality can help others in the world because people these days do not do that and over react.
    I also feel that I have the ability to inspire people. By coming back from multiple injuries and rehab. I have inspired many people who have been wondering how I kept up my spirits and was able to come back and play the sport that I do. I developed this talent by becoming strong willed and told all the time to never give up. Using this talent can help people and inspire them to become better or turn their life around. Like Randy's speech did to the one person who wanted to commit suicide but decided to not do it, because of the inspiration he got from Randy. Which is why I feel the need to pass on the talents I have because some day they may help to do what Randy may have been able to do.

  12. Writing is one of my favorite things to do, and I have found ways to impact people’s life with it. Although I love to write poems and essays, Twitter is my main form of getting my thoughts out to the world. On the other end, there are 977 people reading and listening. I did not understand what impact i could have on people until I started being recognized in public and told things like, “your tweets really inspire me!” or “I laugh hysterically at your tweet the other night!” I have been tweeting since 7th grade, and my ability to explain myself in 140 characters has grown and grown. 42.9K tweets later, I continue to make people laugh and smile everyday. This is something I want to continue to do, and something I want to be able to do the rest of my life. Making somebody smile once a day is something that brings me joy. My ability to do this gives me a lot of pride in myself.

  13. One of my best talents is being there for my friends and family when they need me the most. I didn't developed this talent, I was born with it. I like to think of my self as a nice guy and a person that you can come to with your problems and talk to me if you need. I use them and try to help people that are in need and need someone to talk to. Almost all my family members know they can come to me if they need anything and i will do my best to help them out. This is the same things with my friends if they need anything they know they are able to come me and talk to me. This is important to have people in your life like this because life isn't easy and it always has up and downs. And having someone that you are able to talk to makes a big difference. And one of my talents are being that person that is there for others.

  14. Everyone has talents. We may not notice, but we have them. Listening to everyone while they try to answer what talents, they have, many of them are stumped. My talent would be school and listening to others and giving them advice. I get good grades and I help others with their school work. Sometimes my friends come to me for advice. Most of the time, it is about things I have never experienced myself but I still find the right words to help them. To improve and develop my talents, I work on listening. Hard work is another part to developing my talents. The more I listen and work hard, the better I am at school and giving people advice. I can use doing good in school to help people by teaching them or do continue learning so I can get a good job that will affect a lot of people. I help a lot of my friends by listening to them, letting them vent, and giving them advice. I never really know how much it helps someone but there are some people in this world that need to hear one thing and it will change their life for the better and I give advice like it is like that for each person and situation.

  15. I am involved and show passion towards a lot of things. I have found that being involved in many things, doesn't always mean I have a talent for each. Freshman year of high school I took a course called creative writing. I fell in love with writing blogs and regurgitating my thoughts. Short and sweet writing is something that I found a passion for. I joined the school newspaper and submit my column called "Angie's Angle." Every week my column has a challenge. I try and tell a story of something that happened to me. I challenge the readers to change for the better. My focusing was mainly to write to my peers and the people who attend Maquoketa Valley High school. I have received two letters in the community of Delhi, thanking me for writing my true feelings. I have had a women at the dentist office confront me and embrace me in a warm hug for something I had written in one of the weeks columns.
    Until now, I hadn't realized what my talent really is. I truly understand now.

  16. Most people have a specific talent, for me I don't really have one that stands out. I am the kind of person that can play a couple of instruments, help people out, but the one I really enjoy is just talking and listening to people that need it. Out of all of our family I think I am the one that Brooke and Katie come to if they need someone to listen and vent on. Then with having my CNA I learned that not all of my job is helping them around, but listening to them. The residents all think that we are busy always getting them up and putting them to bed, which we are, but they think we don't really care about their well being. If we are slower at night there are some residents that don't have any family that comes in to see them so I go and visit with them and you can tell it means a lot because they brighten up and makes your job easier in the long run. Every time I go in to work I look at who I can really focus on each time to make them feel special because most of the residents don't like living here because they feel like they can't do anything anymore. You can't make everyone's day better, but if you can just make one it may have them have a different look on life.

  17. A. I have a talent for being a leader and for being passionate about what I do.
    B. Recently I attended a leadership conference to develop my leadership skills, but there are other ways I develop my talent of being a leader every day. I try to develop leadership by being a positive influence in the classroom, on the softball field, and in other clubs and extracurriculars.
    Every day I develop my talent for being passionate by choosing to do things I love and dedicating my time to those things. I give 100% in everything I participate in, which only develops and exemplifies my passion.
    C. I can use my talent of leadership to inspire others to do good things or to be a leader. Being a leader can influence others to do the same things you are, whether it's working hard, going the extra mile, or exceeding limits. As for passion, this talent inspires others to also give everything they have in everything they do. It shows others the rewards and benefits of doing what you love.

  18. I think that my best talent that I have developed so far in my life is being able to fix and work on cars. As you probably know, my father owns Hermy's Auto. He fixes and sells wrecked cars for a living, so he taught me how to fix cars too. My talent is something that can help a lot of other people. If a friend or family member needs help with something on their car, chances are I will know what it is, and help them fix it. It not only saves them the hassle of trying to do it themselves or finding someone to do it for them, it saves them money because businesses charge a lot of money to fix them. I believe that my talent is one that will be very helpful to me and many others throughout my life because there will always be cars, and something will always need to be fixed on them.

  19. My biggest talent is the ability to take tests easily. It doesn't really help others, being that you can't help someone on a test, but it definitely benefits my grades and my learning. Tests are easy for me and I rarely struggle when taking them. I don't necessarily like taking tests, but I do enjoy the challenge they present to me. Tests in math and chemistry are typically harder than those in english and social studies, but that more difficult test is actually what I enjoy. Easy tests are no fun because I don't have to think as hard when I take them. Tests that are brain-crunchers are fun because I have to apply all of my aptitude to do well on them. I embrace the challenge of an extreme test. No matter how hard the test, I will always try it and give it my best shot.

  20. Each person is blessed with a gift(s). These gifts are called talents. I would say my top two talents would be my determination and my sense of organization. I developed these talents by being the oldest sibling in my family. I have to make sure that I hold a great role model for my two younger sisters. I need to show them the right way that things need to be done. My determination plays well in school, extracurricular activities, and getting stuff checked off my To-Do list. Organization plays along well with determination along with responsibility. I feel that being the oldest sibling, you have to be very responsible. My sister's will follow my actions and want to be like me since I am their role model. They will know what to do in certain situations based on my actions. I feel that these two are the ones that will benefit from my talents the most.

  21. I believe that making friends and getting to know new people is one of my talents. I used to be very shy and would never really make an effort to get to know new people and make friends, but throughout high school that has changed. I now can talk to pretty much anyone and get to know them by not being afraid to ask questions. After being involved in speech and plays, I have become more open to people. I am not afraid to ask questions and get to know someone. I believe that by talking to people and asking questions, I can encourage other people to open themselves up more to others too. Just saying hi to a shy kid at school, could make a difference in their life. Maybe they needed someone to acknowledge them and they needed someone to talk to. A simple hello is one of the easiest things to do, but it could make a huge difference in someone else's life.

  22. One of my main talents is hunting. I have developed my skill at hunting by learning from my dad and teaching myself. I have been hunting since I was three years old. I learned from a very young age how to provide for my family. Every year my dad and mom both put a huge burden on my shoulders by saying I have to fill the freezer. I get three deer tags per year and I am expected to fill them so my family has meat for the upcoming year. I am one of the main contributors of meat for my family through out the year. Every tag that I fill feeds my family for another couple months. I have had to make sure that my skills are very well developed so that I can rarely miss and always get the job done. If I don't fill my tags my family won't have the meat and will have to pay for a lot more meat. Hunting is one of the many talents I have but it is the one that is the most important to me.

  23. A few of the not so many talents that I believe I have are being dependable, and being trustworthy. I developed the talent of being dependent from when I got a job and a license. Close and not so close people always ask for help and I'm always glad to lend it out. When people get sick, I'm usually there to help out at work. Being trustworthy is another thing I have. It's one thing to lie about joking, but another in serious situations. I hate thieves and compulsive liars. I believe that if you tell the truth the first time, the penalties are always less. I use my talents to make friends. They can trust me with anything they want, or depend on me to help them in a bad situation. I want to continue to use my talents in the future to acquire long lasting friends that I can also count on with my life.

  24. A. I consider one of my talents connection with children.
    B. I have always loved to be around children and love getting on their level and getting to be like a little kid again. I am a complete baby hog and my whole family will tell you that. My cousins are my life. I have recently gotten a job at the daycare and Earlville and work with 2- 8 year olds almost every morning.
    C. I feel that I can use this talent to be a good mother. I have experience with little ones and older ones. I know that there are going to be times that I am tired and don't to get up to go help my baby but I will. This is similar to getting up in the morning for work. I can use my talent to help the little kiddos understand certain things that maybe are a little over their heads. For instance, when my great grandma died my younger cousin was a little confused with what was happening. I explained to her that great grandma was going to go away and that she wasn't going to come back because she had to go up to heaven and help grandpa and uncle Bob. This helped her better understand why we had to go to the wake and dress pretty. I use this talent everyday whether it be at work or entertaining the little boy in front of me at church.

  25. Some of my few talents are being passionate about athletics and making people laugh. I developed these by growing up around both of them. I have been in athletics since I was very young and have always enjoyed watching and participating in them. My dad and grandpa were always for telling jokes and I learned having fun and making people laugh from them. I enjoy making people happy when they are having a bad day, or things just aren't going right.
    While playing in sports you learn a lot more that how to play and what to do. You learn many life lessons as well. I love being apart of a team because they are like your second family. You are around them everyday and learn through things together, good and bad. Being apart of athletics I can teach younger people how to get better and help them succeed and it is fun to watch them grow and strive for their goals.
    Making people laugh is something I try to do everyday. This can help people forget about something bad that has happened or just make their day better. It feels good to put a smile on someones face. Both of these things are something I enjoy and do on a daily basis, and I plan to keep doing them for the rest of my life.

  26. Growing up, I have really developed into a person I feel will go far in life. I always try to be active in everything I can from athletics, speech and drama, and the school newspaper. Gaining all these talents has gotten me to where I am today. My biggest talent would be athletics. I have always loved sports, especially basketball. Ever since 4th grade, my passion has grown. I feel that while I play this sport, I express many qualities such as hardworking and being a good communicator. Having these two qualities will excel you in any aspect of work. Sitting in the stands 6 years ago, I had people to look up to and watch them showcase their qualities. I want to be an athlete who expresses mine to kids who want to work. By being hardworking it shows you are passionate about what you do and want to succeed. Being a communicator is another aspect that you can use after high school and into your future job. These qualities have allowed me to excel in extra-curricular activities and in the classroom. Learning from other people is not a bad thing. They can bring out the best in you only because they want you to succeed. I hope that younger students look up to me as a role model as I did 6 years ago!

  27. One of my few talents would be that I am a good listener. I love listening to what people have to say and what they are thinking. I love learning all about other people. I'm not really sure how I developed this talent, but it has been useful. I have been trying to work on my listening skills so that I can understand people even more. This talent has helped some people. It makes others feel like someone is interested in what they are saying and that someone cares about what they have to say. It can make someone who feels unimportant feel important again. When you have someone who will listen to what you have to say, it can brighten your day.
    Another talent I have is helping people and giving others advice. I love knowing that I gave someone a hand and gave them advice. It not only makes the other person feel good, but it also makes me feel good. I've been around people who have needed advice, so I have become good at giving it. It can help others on a decision they are trying to make. It helps others get another point of view on a situation and makes things a little easier. It is always nice to have someone to go to for advice.
    We all have talents to be proud of. We may not even know about some of them, but they are definitely there.

  28. One of my talents is the ability to bake and cook. I have always had a love for cooking and baking since I was a young girl but slowly through the years it has grown. I enjoy doing such activities to make myself happy and to make others happy within my household. We all enjoy a sweet treat every once in awhile!

    My talent derived from spending days at Grandma's house and helping her bake cookies, and she always let me eat the batter! It was always a fun way to spend the after noon or evening. There wasn't a single thing I didn't enjoy or like about baking. As I grew older I began to reach out of my comfort zone and make supper. It was really bad at first, but it gradually became something that you would actually want to eat as a meal. Now that I am sixteen, almost seventeen, I have begun making supper on a weekly basis. My parents love coming home after work knowing that supper is taken care of and they don't have to worry about it for that night. Although making supper means doing dishes, I still haven't mastered that talent yet.

    Cooking and baking is something that I use to help others because it is what I like to do. It could be from simply making supper or going out of my way to make a whole batch of cookies for the next family occasion. One day I could be making meals for families that can't afford them, one of those families could be you. (I hope it's not though!)

  29. When I was asked what are my talents i wasn't quite sure. I don't play softball, volleyball and I definitely do not sing. Then I realized I'm good with people. I'm good at helping people when they are in need of it. You could say I'm a people person. I've always been one to, I'm definitely not shy at all. I love giving people advice especially, it's my way of helping people. Knowing that I was the first person they thought of when they needed help is a awesome feeling. I think I developed this talent growing up having to take care of my grandma. It thought me how to be responsible and kind to others. I use this to help others by just helping them in need. I know everybody is going through things you may not know about so treat people kindly and don't judge them.

  30. A. I am good at chemistry it just comes naturally to me, I also like to think I am good at a few sports, soccer and golf mainly I wouldn't say I am great or the best but I like to think that I am able to do decent in them.
    B. Chemistry just comes naturally to me like I said before I just can pick up the concepts very easily. Soccer and Golf both took a lot of practice to get to where I am today I played soccer from about first grade until about high school. Golf I just a few years ago I have come a long way since then but I still have a ways to go if I want to do very well.
    C. I use chemistry I use to help others quite a lot because almost daily I help people with their homework, I try to get them to understand what we are doing. I don't really use golf or soccer to help people because one I don't play anymore and the other i am not great at. If i still played soccer I would help other people that are struggling and golf I could teach people how I improved.

  31. According to, a talent is a, "Special natural ability or aptitude." Everyone has a talent or two. Sometimes it is very hard and takes a long time to find it; for others, they may discover it at the beginning of their life time. One talent that I found for myself was drawing. I feel as if I don't really try when I draw but when I finish a piece, it looks pretty decent. My grandmother is an artist and designs images for cards, books, signs, etc. She also owns an art gallery in Anamosa! Everyone tells me I get it from her. I took a drawing class first semester of this year and learned a lot more about drawing! I also found different ways to draw! Every once in a while, I tear out a piece of paper and go at it. Or at school, when I start to doodle, it becomes more detailed then I was planning on making it! Sometimes, I just get carried away with my drawing. I blank out and when I come back to reality, I realize I over drew. I believe drawing reveals stress and helps someone get their mind off of something.

  32. A. I believe I have to talent to help people get to the root of their problems. When a friend, (or anyone really) has a problem, I am the first person they go to. I also believe I have the talent of writing. Poems, stories, painting a picture in the head of my audience. Writing is a talent that is hard to find or perfect.
    B./C. Helping people out will eliminate hatred in society. If it means taking time out of my day to help someone figure something out, or asking how to end a fight, I'm all for it. There's nothing that hurts me more than seeing my friends or people I know not getting along. If I can step in and help with that little thing, they will be able to use it and help someone else, passing it on. This particular talent was inspired by my closet friend. He had been there for me when I needed someone to talk to, needed advice on an issue, or just a safe haven from home. I wanted to be someone's safe haven as well.
    Writing can help at most in two ways: mentally and emotionally. Having a friend or relative read my work and seeing them tear up or get that look of astound in their eyes makes me feel great as a writer. I knew from a young age I had the ability to touch one emotionally with words. Sharing this with people may help them make decisions in their life. One may choose to not commit suicide and live on another day. One might find that switch deep down, allowing them to let the world open their souls and let them live life to it fullest. Knowing my words can change someone else's life makes me feel pretty great and inspires me to write more.

  33. Everyone has a talent they are good at. Some talents may be worth more than others. Being a leader is on of my best qualities I have. Many of my talents may be small but can make some of the biggest impacts on people. Being a leader is not just handed to you. You have to earn that spot.
    When I was younger I always looked up to people, some better than others. I had always wanted others to look up to me. As I've gone through high school, I haven't really noticed that I was being a leader. As a girl in athletics, you have younger kids watching you. They hope they can be that good making them work harder. Even as a life guard many children go to the pool. They see us sitting in the chair hoping one day they can be there doing that exact same thing.
    Being a leader has helped me along the road. It's helped make my actions into great ones. I always think before I do, because someone is always watching whether you think so or not. Many children are inspired by people older than them. If they see only good things from that one person, than their life will only consist of great things. They will go the extra mile to work just a little harder than everyone else.

  34. Some talents I take to heart are understanding others and the ability to understand what he or she may be going through. Looking at there face reactions as well as body language is the key to tell what people may be going through. The way that I have developed this talent was by my peers and family members. I always could tell how they were feeling because of what they had said along with what there face and body language was like. The only reason why I can understand now is because I spent a lot of time as a young girl asking " how come you're making that face like that?" they would explain to me how they are feeling and why. Also I was, and still am, a caring person and like to help people out. My ability to understand people was a big help for me because now I can talk to people and see what is going on in there life and I try to give them helpful information on how to handle a lot of different information. Since I am sincerer about many things at church I talk to kids about what their home life is like and how they can become closer withe there parents as well as other classmates at school.

  35. Many people have a specific talent that they are good at and that sticks out. For me you probably wouldn't know about mine unless you got to know me. I'm really good at working with groups and carrying my own weight. This all started from birth as I had to share everything with Kelsey. I still do. We learned how to share and work together if we both wanted different things. So therefore, when Katie came along Kelsey and I already knew how to work well with each other and so it followed through with Katie. Then it went on to our younger cousins. I would actually like working with a group better than individually because that's how I grew up and it's how I know how to work with others so well. This talent also comes in handy because if you are good at working with people then you can become a people person too. Having this will help you in the future when you have your full time job and have to work with people. It won't be so bad if you know how work with the people your around and make you get along with them better. If you actually work on this skill it might make your life easier because people get along with you and you can eliminate all of that stress and drama from your life. So next time when your working with a group, think about this skill.

  36. Thinking about what talent I have that can help people or that has helped people is difficult. I do have things that I enjoy doing such as helping people out when they need it. I like to help people because of the result of them being happy makes me feel accomplished. When people need some assistance with something I believe that I can help them get over that trouble or to avoid it. I believe that being around friendly people all of my life, and being close to people that help others all the time has helped me realize the enjoyment out of it. That feeling right after you have assisted someone is great. You feel satisfied with what you had done to them. Some things are harder to help with then others, but you can avoid the hard things by being determined to figure a solution out.
    Another talent that could help others is playing basketball. Basketball is not just because it is a sport, it teaches life lessons: like not being late, working hard the entire time, pushing yourself because it pushes others, and having fun. Basketball took a lot of practice, but it helped having my teammates pushing my and my coaches. My coaches would push me so I would be better. By the coaches and teammates pushing me to be better, I can encourage people to do the same and push themselves.

  37. I would say that one talent I have is tae kwon do. I have been doing it since 3rd grade, and have fallen in love with it. When I first started, I absolutely hated it, and didn't want to go back. My mom and brother were in it as well, and mom told me to just keep going for a little while. I did go back eventually. Not to long after that I started to enjoy it. I looked forward to going to class, and thought it was fun. We encountered many difficulties along the way. We went through many transitions of instructors and schools. Finally we found one that we liked, and stuck with him. I have always hated going down to Cedar Rapids to test because I get so nervous, but it's getting better as I go up in rank. Instead of being the bottom of the totem poll, now people are bowing to me, and I even got to judge younger belts. I have traveled to many tournaments, large and small. The branch of Tae Kwon Do that I am involved with is such a great organization. It encourages helping others and having curtesy. Our grand master started it with the hopes of getting North Korea and America to come together. Every 10 years there is a reunion in North Korea with people from all around the world. It doesn't matter who you are in life, or where you come from, tae kwon do can make a difference in anyone's life.

  38. Something I'm good at is keeping my faith when other people continually shoot it down. I've developed some of this talent from my parents and how I’ve been raised, but more from the friends I've made because of this talent. My faith has done so many things for me and I’m forever thankful for these things. Simply by being faithful I’ve met some amazing people and learned to get out of my shell. I went on a trip to Minnesota with 50 other kids I didn’t know to spend a weekend learning and getting stronger in my faith, which was simultaneously helping me make friends and become stronger in standing my ground. I enjoy helping others, and being involved at church is really easy. I can use my talents to encourage other kids to strengthen their faith, to just be a role model, or to help out with anything at church.

  39. Leo Buscaglia once stated, “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” I think this is where my talent comes in. I think my talent is being able to offer a listening ear or a simple act of kindness whether it is a smile in the hall or a compliment. I have developed these over the course of my life and I think my parents played a major role in how they raised me. Another factor that helped me develop these talents are the people in my life, in the halls, and on the streets that do these same acts. These talents can help others by boosting their mood, turning their bad day into something better, and maybe even encourage them to do the same. If we all listened to each other and tried to be kind, this world could be a much more positive place.
